Friday, April 17, 2020

Using Cause and Effect Essay For Creative Writing

Using Cause and Effect Essay For Creative WritingA study of child development reveals that a child learns the language of cause and effect better than any other language. Children don't learn cause and effect by reading a book. They learn it by being given a stimulus and then following that reaction.They read books, and movies, and television shows, but what we need is a study of child development to show us how our own lives are involved in the cause and effect of everything we do. We can then discover what we need to change and how. We can also discover how the way we react in different circumstances leads to different outcomes.There is no question that when we cause something, we usually get something in return. For example, when you throw a ball in the air, you will often be hit. Most people have been hit at one time or another. If you like to be hit, but don't want to get hit, you need to throw the ball so it makes it out of the way before it hits someone.The difference between causes and effects is that effects follow a direct path to their source, while causes follow an indirect path. Every single person knows this because every one of us has been hit at one time or another. Now it's easy to understand the difference between what happens when we cause something and what happens when we cause an effect. Sometimes the two seem to contradict each other, but they really don't.The situation that creates the causal connection is the cause. We are not the only living things that are causing anything to happen. We just happen to be the only ones who can see the connection between the cause and the effect and tell us that the cause caused the effect.For example, when you throw the ball in the air, the result is a hit. But the underlying cause is that someone threw the ball. That person had to be there first in order for the throw to have been successful.Our children and their children will continue to be the most important and interesting test subjects for the ca uses and effects of their lives. How do we study these so that we can discover how to change things? One method is by the use of analogy. You take an activity in a book and make it real.You are the one who do the work, of course, but your children are the ones who will become the lab rats in the cause and effect process in everyday life. It's one thing to simply study these things, but it's quite another to turn the study of cause and effect into a form of art, which you can enjoy by viewing the works of others who are learning the same process.

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